


We see the seemingly non-stop digitization of this industry’s processes and practices, while recognizing that its pace is slower than many other industries, bringing with it numerous risks that are often overlooked. We know how to explore the challenges of trucks traveling empty, maximizing loads, optimizing routing, managing documentation, reducing human error, and removing unnecessary processes.

We can create bespoke digital solutions that prioritize improvements in current operations, customer satisfaction, reliability, and transparency. Our approach includes:

Route Planning Solutions

We develop digital route-planning solutions that prioritize key elements like customer preferences, load placement, vehicle capacity, delivery locations etc. Using IoT technology coupled with sensors to help digitize operations and move tracking to the cloud. Data captured with digitized setups can then be analyzed, patterns can be formed, and effective, cost-efficient fleet strategies can be implemented. We understand your current technology landscape, plan the data collection resources and integrations required, develop and deliver transformative digital applications.

Optimization of Internal Operations

We help you overcome bottlenecks that exist within the organization that are hampering efficiency, especially if the company does not have enough bandwidth to manage their operations. We develop solutions for freight forwarding companies to standardize selling procedures, integrate with sophisticated freight rating tools, automate approval processes, and auto-generate documents.

Shared Logistics Platform

Working to alleviate the eternal issue of empty trips is a collaborative effort. Shared platforms can be developed, facilitating routing needs between forwarding companies and enabling them to collaborate to supply vehicles to fulfil requests. This also creates cost benefits. We develop and deliver digital solutions that will enable onboarding of multiple stakeholders, effective collaboration, and support, while delivering superior value to your customers.