

Accounting & Taxation

Accounting & Taxation

We recognize that tax involves a complicated set of decisions before data can be used by a calculation model. Manual interventions can result in extreme inefficiencies and often lead to undetected input errors that may alter a filing, wasting unnecessary time and money for the business in correcting them. With automation comes the challenges related to data inputs, overly simplistic spreadsheet constructs, disconnects between business, design and engineering teams and a lag in adoption rates and learning curves. We ensure that any digital transformation that automates manual tax compliance & audit offerings works effectively and efficiently, enabling you to dedicate more time to advisory services.

We understand the importance of conventions and long-standing practices in this mature yet evolving industry. Our experts will collaborate with you to design a bespoke solution rather than prescribing a misfit, off-the-shelf approach. This includes:

Data Review Mechanisms

We leverage our extensive experience in working in this sector to fully step into the shoes of an accountant or a tax service provider. We translate industry insights into digital review solutions. These review mechanisms not only diagnose potential data issues, but also alert the user to them and suggest potential solutions to resolve the data error.

Design Thinking & UX Design

We strike the perfect balance between mature conventions and modern user interface designs, enabling user groups to be eased into a better solution that will meaningfully serve the accounting/tax function and be more pleasurable to use. This empathetic approach allows us to ensure accuracy of the calculations while maintaining sight of user experience and reducing complexity.

We can help you leverage the success of design thinking to craft accounting and tax solutions that cut down on training and onboarding time with their intuitive nature.

Our solutions also focus on increasing transparency while reducing cognitive load by using custom designed priority reviews that escalate anomalies to reduce the risk of an undetected calculation or input errors.